Blaze and the Monster Machines

Blaze and the Monster Machines

Technikou posadnutý 8-ročný AJ a jeho kamarát, monster truck Blaze, sú najlepšími pretekármi v Axle City. Spoločne súťažia v pretekoch a zažívajú dobrodružstvá, pričom riešia vedecké, technické, inžinierske a matematické úlohy.
HrajúNolan North, Dusan Brown, Kevin Michael Richardson

Sledujte Blaze and the Monster Machines

Sledovať Blaze and the Monster Machines Sezóna 4

  • Robot Power

    Epizóda 1 - 22 Minúty
    Keď Crusher vypustí svoje najničivejšie výtvory, situáciu môže zachrániť len robot Blaze.
  • The Pickle Family Campout

    Epizóda 2 - 22 Minúty
    Keď Picklova rodina zablúdi v lese, spojí sa s Blazeom, aby ich zachránil.
  • The Chicken Circus!

    Epizóda 3 - 22 Minúty
    Blaze, AJ and Darington are in the front row for the Chicken Circus, but when Crusher accidentally launches the chickens far, far away, it's up to Blaze and Darington to get their feathered friends back to the big top.
  • Ninja Blaze

    Epizóda 4 - 22 Minúty
    When Crusher and Pickle accidentally launch themselves onto an icy mountain, Blaze and AJ must use the ninja skills they learned from Ninja Master Blackbelt to rescue them.
  • The Supersize Prize

    Epizóda 5 - 22 Minúty
    At the Axle City Fair, Blaze and AJ realize they don't have enough coins to use the Supersize Prize Machine; Blaze gets three jobs, transforming into super-cool vehicles to earn money.
  • Breaking the Ice

    Epizóda 6 - 22 Minúty
    Blaze must test his new robot powers to rescue a little bunny who gets trapped on top of a melting glacier.
  • Robots to the Rescue

    Epizóda 7 - 22 Minúty
    When three big emergencies overwhelm a fire truck, Blaze turns himself and his friends into powerful robots to save Axle City from a runaway train, an overflowing glue factory and an erupting volcano.
  • T-Rex Trouble

    Epizóda 8 - 23 Minúty
    Blaze and Zeg show off their robot powers to their dinosaur friends at Dinosaur Valley; when they discover three lost baby Tyrannosauruses, they must use their powers to get them home safely.
  • Meatball Mayhem

    Epizóda 9 - 22 Minúty
    When Crusher accidentally knocks a bottle of “grow spice” onto a meatball, it grows to an enormous size and rolls away -- leaving Blaze and Pickle no choice but to transform into robots to stop it before it wrecks the entire town.
  • Robots in Space

    Epizóda 10 - 23 Minúty
    Space Commander Megan is marooned on Pluto, and Robot Blaze and his friends must race through wormholes, shoot past ice volcanoes and blast straight through an asteroid field to bring her back home.
  • Power Tires

    Epizóda 11 - 22 Minúty
    Keď Blazeovi prasknú pneumatiky, Gabby mu poskytne nový pár špičkových kolies.
  • Snow Day Showdown

    Epizóda 12 - 22 Minúty
    Keď Crusher počas zasneženého dňa zoberie všetku horúcu čokoládu, Blaze sa ju snaží získať späť.
  • Construction Crew to the Rescue

    Epizóda 13 - 22 Minúty
    Keď Crusher a Pickle uviaznu na vrchole veže, posádka vybuduje cestu nadol.
  • Officer Blaze

    Epizóda 14 - 23 Minúty
    Blaze a AJ sa pridajú k policajnému oddeleniu a premenia sa na rýchle autá, aby pomohli autám v núdzi.
  • The Flying Lion

    Epizóda 15 - 22 Minúty
    Keď Roarian stratí svoj magický slnečný kameň, Blaze a AJ mu ho pomôžu nájsť a obnoviť jeho schopnosti.
  • Ninja Soup

    Epizóda 16 - 23 Minúty
    When Grandma Ninja gets a nasty cold, Blaze, AJ and Blackbelt set out to make the most powerful medicine there is: Ninja Soup.
  • Royal Rescue

    Epizóda 17 - 23 Minúty
    When the King accidentally catapults himself far away, Blaze, AJ and the King's adorable pet Zeek must transform into knights in shining armor to bring him back home.
  • Blaze and the Magic Genie

    Epizóda 18 - 23 Minúty
    Blaze a AJ sa vydávajú na výpravu do púšte, aby získali stratené šperky čarovného džina.
  • The 100 Egg Challenge

    Epizóda 19 - 22 Minúty
    Blaze and Crusher race the Great Egg Hunt to see who can find the most eggs; the first truck to collect 100 eggs wins the chocolate trophy.
  • The Midnight Mile

    Epizóda 20 - 22 Minúty
    All the trucks stay up late at night for the Midnight Mile, where the first truck to cross the finish line wins the glow-in-the-dark trophy.


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