Centar za pomoć

Download content on your device

You can only download content to your device and watch it offline if you are on the Standard or Premium plans. With the Standard plan, you can download up to 30 TV shows and films to your device, whereas with the Premium plan, you can download up to 100 assets, but only up to 30 films at a time. 


To download content, follow these steps: 


  1. Install the SkyShowtime app on your device. 

  1. Log in using the same credentials you used to register for the service. 

  1. Select a profile, then choose the TV show or film you want to download. 

  1. Click 'Download'. 

The downloads will stay on your device for 48 hours from the first time you watch them or for 30 days if you haven't played them yet. You can download a title as many times as you want as long as it is still available on SkyShowtime. 

To access your downloads: 


  1. Log in to your SkyShowtime app. 

  1. Choose the profile you used for downloading the content. 

  1. Tap the downward arrow located at the bottom of the screen - your downloads are stored in this section. 


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